Elegant Hand Bouquet

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Gorgeous purple - RoseForAll

Gorgeous purple

30.000 KD
A huge hand bouquet with much of mixed 50 roses, chrysanthemum in a special wrapping 
Luxurious mix pink Bouquet - RoseForAll

Luxurious mix pink Bouquet

18.000 KD
A 30 Roses hand bouquet with outstanding and Special wrapping
Luxurious red bouquet - RoseForAll

Luxurious red bouquet

18.000 KD
A 23 Roses hand bouquet with outstanding and Special wrapping
Luxurious purple bouquet - RoseForAll

Luxurious purple bouquet

16.000 KD
A 23 Roses hand bouquet with outstanding and Special wrapping
Wax white bouquet - RoseForAll

Wax white bouquet

15.750 KD
A nice hand bouquet with fresh mixed flowers with outstanding wrapping
Wax Pink bouquet - RoseForAll

Wax Pink bouquet

15.750 KD
A nice hand bouquet with fresh mixed flowers with outstanding wrapping
White Graphic - RoseForAll

White Graphic

11.000 KD
A elegant nice hand bouqet with fresh flowers contains chrysanthemum,sprayrose,roses and alestomeria
classic pinky 1 - RoseForAll

classic pinky 1

9.000 KD
A nice hand bouquet with fresh  flowers with outstanding wrapping
Red elegant 1 - RoseForAll

Red elegant 1

11.000 KD
A nice hand bouquet 20 roses with outstanding wrapping
Pink Elegant Bouquet - RoseForAll

Pink Elegant Bouquet

11.000 KD
A nice hand bouquet 20 roses with outstanding wrapping
Violet Bouquet - RoseForAll

Violet Bouquet

11.000 KD
A nice hand bouquet 20 roses with outstanding wrapping
White mix Elegant - RoseForAll

White mix Elegant

9.000 KD
A nice hand bouquet with fresh  flowers with outstanding wrapping
Alsto bouqet purple - RoseForAll

Alsto bouqet purple

12.000 KD
A  hand bouqet with 20 stems of alstomeria flowers with nice special wrapping
Alsto Bouquet - RoseForAll

Alsto Bouquet

12.000 KD
A  hand bouqet with 20 stems of alstomeria flowers with nice special wrapping
Chrys bouqet - RoseForAll

Chrys bouqet

7.750 KD
A nice hand bouqet with fresh flowers contains chrysanthemum and sprayrose